Monday 9/27
30 Min Ascending/ Repeating Ladder 1-4
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Shoulder to OH
Bent Row
Players Choice of equipment. Lot’s of options. Go through the movements in an ascending ladder format. Round 1 = 1 DL to 1HC to 1FS to S2O to 1BR. Round 2 would be 2DL’s to 2 HC to 2FS etc… add 1 rep each additional round. Once you get through round 4, increase the load and start back at 1. If you find a weight that you are not comfortable going beyond, stay there. Start very conservative to give yourself time to warm up to the movements and progress intuitively from there.
Tuesday 9/28
With a Partner
50 Renegade Man Makers
P1: 400m
P2: 4 RMM + 4 Burpee Pull-Ups
*P1 will pick up where P2 leaves off*
3-5 Rounds
10 Hanging Knee Raises > MedBall Plank tuck
Max Ring Support, Tuck or Ring Plank Hold
Wednesday 9/29
For Time:
Hang Power Clean
*No more than 95/65# on BB
With a Partner:
10 Laps Sandbag Drags (5 each)
Thursday 9/30
E6MIN18 (3 Rounds)
20 Push Press
20 Back Rack Step Ups*
200 Meter Run
*If you are using a BB you must be able to safely place the bar behind the neck for these step-ups. The weight should be on the lighter side considering the volume*
10 Alt Snatches (5/5) AHASP
10 Box Jumps (High for you)
Core Circuit - Coaches Choice
Friday 10/1
Option 1:
12 MIN to Work up to a Heavy Set of 3 Weighted Chin-ups
Option 2:
EVENS: Pick 1 of the following:
• 3-5 Weighted Chin-Ups
• Max Reps @ BW
• 5-10 Hard Ring Rows
ODDS: Rest
3 Rounds NFT
10 Gorilla Rows > Bent Rows (5/5)
10 See Saw Press (5/5)
10 Suitcase KB Deadlifts
Core - Coaches Choice
Saturday 10/2
9AM - Coaches Choice
Sunday 10/3
Coaches Choice