Monday 8/2
20MIN Repeating Ladder
Hang Power Cleans (DB/KB, etc.)
Scotty Bobs x 2 (Push-Up Row + Row)
5 Burpee Pops
10 Air Squats
20 DUs/40 SUs
(Burpee pop: get in plank position then jump knees towards elbows (think donkey kick-esqis) and back to plank. Jump legs back to hands and then stand (no jump at end)
Tuesday 8/3
400m Run/Row/Ski or 2MIN AD
Max Consecutive Wall Balls
300m Run/Row/Ski or 1:30MIN AD
Max Consecutive KB Swings
200m Run/Row/Ski or 1MIN AD
Max Plank Hold
Core Circuit - Coaches Choice
Wednesday 8/4
CF Total + Real Deal
20MIN for each to work up to 1RM
Back Squat
Strict Press
Today we are going for a 1 rep max or a heavy 1 rep of each lift by the time limit on each. At the end of the all three lifts, add the total amount of weight and divide it by your body weight. That is your pound for pound (#/#) number. Weight lifted vs. your body weight aka the Real Deal number.
Thursday 8/5
With a Partner
P1: 1 Length Sled Pull + 1 length Sled Push (pacer)
5 Devil’s Press
10 Front Rack Lunges (5/5)
15 Box Jumps
*pick up where partner left off*
10MIN Core Dice Roll
1: 50 Partner Medicine Ball Sit-ups
2: 100 Plate V-ups Pacer: OH Plate Hold
3: 50 Partner Leg Throw Downs
4: 75 Seated Leg Raises Pacer: Hollow Hold
5: 50 Plank Drags (R + L = 1) Pacer: Superman hold
6: 50 Plate Sit-Ups Pacer: Plank Hold
7: 50 Medicine Ball Clean to Wall Ball toss to partner
8: your choice
Friday 8/6
Hill Loop
5 Rounds Complex
Hill Loop
5 Rounds Complex
Hill Loop
5 Rounds Complex
5 Deadlifts
4 Hang Cleans
3 Push Press
Saturday 8/7
9AM - Coaches Choice
Sunday 8/9
Max Hold Sloshpipe
200 DUs > 400 SUs
100 Burpees
Then with remaining time accumulate
As many calories as possible on any