Monday 5/10
MIN 1: Max Reps SL KB Deadlift to Press (L)
MIN 2: Max Reps SL KB Deadlift to Press (R)
MIN 3: Max Reps KB Front Rack Step-up (L)
MIN 4: Max Reps KB Front Rack Step-up (R)
MIN 5: Max Reps ½ Kneeling Chop (L)
MIN 6: Max Reps ½ Kneeling Chop (R)
Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar > Toes to KB
Tuesday 5/11
For time:
Hill Loop
3 Rounds of
5 Pullups
7 Push-ups
9 KB Headcutters
Hill Loop
10MINS to work on a weakness
Wednesday 5/12
:20 on / :10 off
Holds on Rings
Pick 1:
Support Hold
Tuck Hold
L Hold
Plank Hold
AMRAP20 for Quality
5 Wall Walks or Plank to Pike on Box
10 Brace Squats
15 Plate Sit Ups
20 OH Walking Lunge 45/25# Plates
2 Flat Loops for Cooldown then Stretch/Roll-out
Thursday 5/13
Option 1:
Bear Complex – 25 mins to safely get to Max Load
1 Round = 7 Sets of the following complex:
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder to Overhead
1 Back Squat *
1 Shoulder to Overhead*
*Must be able to get it to behind the neck & back*
CFCA changed up the movements in that the clean is now a hang clean. After the bar is initially deadlifted to the hang position, it should not return to the floor until the round is complete or failure. Rest as needed between rounds…shoot for about 5 rounds over the 25 mins. Score is Max Load completed unbroken (7 sequential rounds without putting the bar down).
Option 2
AMRAP25 @ Light Weight
5 Power/Hang Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Back Squat *Must be able to get it to behind the neck & back*
Option 3
KettleBear (2KBs)
1 Round = 7 Sets of the following complex:
1 Swing clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 front squat
1 push press
Friday 5/14
4-5 Rounds Not For Time (20 Mins)
5-7 Deadlifts (ascending to hard but doable)
5-7 Weighted Pull-ups or Max Reps @ BW
5-7 Ring Dips or Max Reps @ BW
Rest intuitively between sets
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35# (American) Mod w/Russian
12 Pull-ups (kips) Mod w/ Jumping Pull-ups
Saturday 5/15
9AM - Coaches Choice
Sunday 5/16
Coaches Choice