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Workouts for 10/4 - 10/10

Writer's picture: Jaime MacDonaldJaime MacDonald

Monday 10/4


100 DUs / 200 SUs

20 Sit-ups

Max Rep SA DB C&J (alt sides as needed)

*Rest 3 MIN*


50 DB lateral hop overs (over & back = 1)

20 Russian Twists

Max SA DB Snatch (alt sides as needed)

*Rest 3 MIN*


400m Run

10 Burpees

Max SA DB Thruster (alt sides as needed)


Tabata Stretch

:20 on / :10 off

Down Dog

Up Dog

Child’s Pose



Tuesday 10/5

20MINS for Quality

5-10 Deadlifts

5-10 Strict Dips > Ring Push-ups > Push-ups

5-10 Single Arm Ring Rows (per side) > Single Arm Bent Rows



Deck of Card


Hearts: Russian Twists

Diamonds: Bird Dogs

Spades: Plank Leg Raises

Clubs: Flutter Kicks

Wednesday 10/6

“Fight Gone Kettlebell”

3 rounds of:

As Many Reps As Possible In 1 minute of:

KB Headcutter

KB Snatch or Single Arm Swing (alternate sides as needed)

Goblet Step Up (20in)

KB Single Arm Push Press (alternate sides as needed)

Ski/Row/AD (Calories)

Rest 1 Minute

Notes: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. Athletes must move to the next station immediately into the next minute. One point is given for each rep (or calorie). Score is the total reps from each round.


3 Rounds

:30 on /:30 off

Seated Leg Lifts

Alt V-Ups

Plank Walk-outs

Reverse Crunches w/twist

Medicine Ball Tucks

Thursday 10/7

“Triple 5”

5 Mins Max DH Pullups @ BW

5 Mins Rest

5 Mins Max Double DB/KB Clean & Jerks

5 Mins Rest

5 Min Ski/Row/AD for Calories

“Triple 5” was a CFCA Benchmark and while we don’t have the same set up in the gym that allows for all to have easy access to the rig, we can still do this workout with modifications and have the same stimulus!


Core Circuit - Coaches Choice

MODS: Ring Rows or Bent Rows can be subbed in for DHPU.

Friday 10/8


10 total Stand Kneel Stand (5/5)

*Can do this with a BB in the front rack position. Double DBs or KBs can be used as well in the front rack or single DB or KB in a goblet hold position is a great option as well.


For Completion

500M Run/Row/Ski

50 Wall Balls

400m Run/Row/SKi

40 Wall Balls

300M Run/Row/Ski

30 Wall Balls

Saturday 10/9

9AM - Coaches Choice

Sunday 10/10

60 Burpee Box Jumps for time

*EMOM (starting at the 0:00 minute) 6 KB Swings*


Pick one:

500m Row/Ski for time

1MIN AD for max cals

1MIN Max Burpees

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