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Writer's picture: JillianJillian

Coaches Spotlight on one of our star coaches here at CFCA; Kevin Phoenix! Coach Kevin is a CFCA OG. He joined us at the very beginning and has never looked back. From athlete to Spirit Award Winner to Owner to Coach - Kevin is a wealth of knowledge of all things CrossFit. You can usually find him rocking out to T. Swift or perfecting his hang power clean. We are so pumped to have him as part of our rad community and knowledgeable coaching staff. CFCA wouldn't be the same without you, Coach Kevin!

What is your fitness background? What were you doing before CrossFit?

Growing up I played soccer and baseball, and after college I messed around with indoor soccer for a while, but that dropped off once everyone got married and had kids. I tried to stay in shape by running, and ran the Marine Corps Marathon in 2007. But I didn't feel in particularly good shape, and if I never run a marathon again it will still be too soon.

What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit workout?

My first workout was "Baseline" (500m row, 40 air squats, 30 situps, 20 pushups, 10 pullups). It's a butt-kicker for sure. Turning left off of Parker St. and making my way through town on Rogers St., my only two thoughts were "Don't run the car off the road", and "If you have to puke, make sure to roll down the window first" (It was January). I did neither of those things, and was completely hooked.

How did you get into CrossFit?

It was January of 2011, and I was floundering around trying to figure out how to get into better shape, and I saw something in the Gloucester Times about a Crossfit gym that had recently opened in town. A few of my buddies in Virginia had been doing Crossfit for a while at that point and had great things to say. I decided to check it out, met Jon and Karen, and the rest is history.

What were your goals when joining CrossFit?

I was staring 40 right in the face, and wasn't happy with where I was physically - both how I felt and how I looked. Plus, my father died when he was 61, and I was determined to not let my shitty genes cut short this one wild and precious life.

Have you achieved any of those goals?

I think so. I definitely feel better physically, and have less of a dad-bod than a lot of guys my age, so I'll take it. As for the genes thing...we'll see. :)

Favorite WOD:

Eva is a great one. Give me some swings and pullups with some running any day!

Least Favorite WOD:

Annie. I lost my Double Unders during COVID and haven't been able to find them!

Favorite Lift:

Hang power cleans!

Least Favorite Lift:

Turkish get ups. So slow. So good, I know. But let's get moving!

What music do you prefer to WOD out to?

Anything really! If TSwift is in there somewhere I'm not gonna be mad.

Do you have any special memories/ achievements during your time here?

Nothing specific, but generally taking advantage of the fitness that CFCA has helped me achieve and going out and trying new things with less fear.

What advice do you have for people just getting started?

Just like a lot of things in life, showing up is the biggest part of the battle. Show up, be consistent, trust the process, don't be afraid to try that taller box or that heavier bell!

Something the other members might not know about you?

While I am a US citizen, I am also Canadian. My mother was a Canadian citizen, so I technically became a Canadian citizen when I was born. Working now on getting a "Citizenship Certificate" so I can prove it. Then I can call you all hosers. Pretty cool, eh?



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